Thank you for your continued patronage of 荻野屋.
Below are the opening hours of each store for the year-end and New Year's holidays of 2024-2025.
Please note that there may be a discrepancy between store hours and the hours for receiving orders on the mobile order site and online store. Please check the Mobile Order Site and Online Shop for details.
Date and Time | Business Hours |
Saturday, December 28 | business as usual |
December 29 (Sun.) | business as usual |
December 30 (Monday) | business as usual |
Tuesday, December 31 | 10:30~18:00 |
January 1 (Wednesday) | store holiday |
Thursday, January 2 | store holiday |
January 3 (Friday) | business as usual |
January 4 (Saturday) | business as usual |
January 5 (Sun.) - Sunday | business as usual |