How to cook rice using an empty pot

Here's how to cook rice using an empty pot
- Wash the kettle container after finishing "Touge no kamameshi"
- Dry the washed pot. Wipe the outside well for immediate use.
Material Preparation
- Sharpen 1 cup (approx. 150 g) of rice.
- Place polished rice and 180 cc of water in a pot, cover, and soak for 5 to 30 minutes.
(For chahan, also add seasonings and kelp.)
For white rice

- Rice: 1 cup (about 150 g)
- Water: 180cc
In the case of "Chameshi"

- Rice: 1 cup (about 150 g)
- Seasoning liquid: 180cc
- Water: approx. 162 cc
- 2 1/2 teaspoons (about 14 cc) soy sauce
- Sake: 1/3 teaspoon (about 2 cc)
- 1/3 teaspoon (about 2 cc) mirin (sweet cooking rice wine)
- Kelp sheet (dried): 3 cm x 2 cm
*If not available, 5 g of powdered dashi can be substituted.
Place on fire.
- 4on a gas stove and place over low heat. (It will start to blow over in about 8 to 10 minutes.)
*Please note that the container may break. - If it spills, immediately shift the lid by about 1 cm. Then reduce the heat further to a low flame (lowest heat).
- After the spill has stopped, close the open lid to about 0.5 cm.
- When the surface of the rice is no longer bubbling and there are no more puddles, close the lid completely and turn off the heat.
(in Japanese history)5(It takes about 15 minutes from the time you light the fire to the time you turn off the heat with the)

- After turning off the heat, steam for at least 15 minutes. Never open the lid at this time.
- Fluff and stir with a rice scoop or chopsticks, and voila!
You can also enjoy the charred flavor that is hard to find in a rice cooker.
finished cooking
Finished white rice

"Chameshi" is completed

attention (heed)
Please note that this recipe is a general method of cooking rice, and the amount of water, etc. will vary slightly if the rice is new or old.
Direct contact with the hot pot and lid on the stove may cause burns. Please be careful.
"Touge no kamameshi" (product) should be consumed as is, not directly over heat.